Stop Gap

Okay, here's the truth:  a lot has happened.  But ironically wifi has been hard to come by on U.S. waters (at least for those of us who anchor out instead of hang out in marinas).  And we don't have one of those fancy SB radios that let's you send emails from the middle of the ocean, so we've been stymied.  We've had lots to share, but not many chances to share here on our media rich, data-hog of a website.  So we'll do our best to catch up and write about a few moments from along the way.  But for up to the moment pictures and tidbits, take a look at Fezywig on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (I know, I tweet, it's embarrassing) and Tumblr (tumbling just sounds so much cooler than tweeting?)  Anyway, there you have it.  Stop gap.

Erik Orton

Hello, I’m the co-founder of The Awesome Factory. 

Many people want more than a conveyor belt life. At The Awesome Factory, we equip and and encourage individuals to build a creative, adventurous, deliberate life. We envision a world where adults avoid regret, come alive to their own potential and inspire others.