Student Driver

Facing my fears, I drove the dinghy with moderate success.  As in life, the transitions are the most difficult part and my landings are still awkward.  Fortunately, Erik was standing by with calm steady instructions.  We made it shore and back without tipping over.  However, the wind kicked up and made our straight shot across the bay feel like an amusement park log ride.  We were just as drenched as if we had tipped.  The constant spray of warm saltwater in my face mixed with sunscreen and dripped into my eyes.  I could barely see through my squint as we approached the causeway bridge.  I shouted to Erik, β€œI need help!  I need help!”  His stuck to his seat and offered this versatile piece of advice, β€œSlow down.  When in doubt, you can always just slow down.”  I rotated the handle towards the symbol of a turtle, and regained control.  Oh, right.  Mastery first…then speed.  Got it.  Thanks, Love!