Meet Our Mentors

Meet Our Mentors


A few weeks ago I wrote about drinking the Kool-Aid and how we can leverage our natural inclination to conform by deliberately choosing who we want to follow and then giving them lots of space in our brains. That’s what we did with Totem.
In early 2014 our family of seven moved out of our small Manhattan apartment into an even smaller boat where we lived for most of that year.  We did lots of two-steps forward one-step back preparations.  We’ll tell more in our upcoming memoir available March 2019. Nothing beats just starting, but one of the most important steps for facing our fears was finding mentors.

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The End / The Beginning

The End / The Beginning

So I suppose it’s worth writing about how all this ended up.  Wouldn’t want to leave anyone hanging.  Here goes 

After two weeks on blocks, Fezywig was back in the slings, ready to launch.  We packed the kids in the car and drove to NJ to pick up the boat.  We got there a little later then planned, but as usual with boats—there was a delay.  The starter motor needed to be replaced.  It finally rusted out as a result of the flooding.  It was 10am.  The part was supposed to arrive by 11am. We could wait.  We cleaned the boat.

There’s always a certain catharsis in cleaning something.

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